Tag Archives: opinion

Leave Everything, Leave Nothing? Leave History or Hell!



The world was coming to an end

Were all given a time capsule, inside it is an a4 piece of paper and it readstime 1

As we all know, we are coming to the end of the world and there is nothing we can do to stop it now. However, we believe these capsules may survive the chemical explosion. One day a long long way in the future, someone may find yours. You have 200 words at your disposal

Think of all the languages we have, great teachings, beautiful works of art. The internet, books, movies, bibles, history…All gone Read the rest of this entry

How to Change The World Forever! Press Print from The Armchair! :)


The Day ‘Newling’ Changed The World – Dum Dum Duuuummmmmmmmm!

(click here to visit ‘the future’)money new 2

BRISTOL are the latest forward thinkers on ‘Printing their own currency’ (see link below) – With a little SIMPLIFICATION, One currency could be rolled out worldwide with relative ease

Please bear in mind that if you take away stock markets (which are just game playing with numbers on a large-scale) and also, erase the (IDEA) man-made invention called ‘THE ECONOMY’ – Money is worth the cost of the paper and the ink. TOTAL! The whole world trade system and the linking of currencies – are otherwise known as the 2 methods used to maintain the current (corrupted) way of doing things…FOREVER!

SIMPLIFIED Solution – Design and Print Money at home (The rich make up about 2% of the population). The other 98% are normal people, and most normal people live on or below the bread line. For success, the new money ‘goes live’ when most of the 98% know about it. It needs nationwide (and hopefully worldwide) uptake…making it clear to the rich and powerful, that they are seriously outnumbered (as the rich will resist, but only for so long)money newling

98% of the world population are broke! And 98% have the power to change their lives for the better FOREVER!

‘WAGES in Newling’ – I’m happy to set the bank/building society up, and if employers refuse to pay wages in ‘Newling’, I’ll print you off all the ‘Newling’ you need, until the 2% come round to the idea that they can’t win this one. Then Tesco will be giving you your change in ‘Newlings’ 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

After I was Broken, I Learnt About Before…


Before I judge, I try to really look

Before I see, I remember the manuscript was longer than the book

Before I decide, I ask myself what makes me an expert

Before I classify, I realise complexity makes a recipe for a convert

Before I write you off, I remember how painful life can be

Before I label, I know that no-one understands you like He

Before anything, I know there is context, circumstance, reason and feeling

Before lectures, I try wondering how you might be reeling

Before damnation, I ask myself why you could be lying

Before giving up on you, I realise when you’re lying, you’re not crying Read the rest of this entry

Chortle Chortle…Ich Liebe Dich/ 50 Press Ups and Run For Your Life! ;)


My Wunderbar sister Lil Trissus, showed me this little E-card yesterday, which made me chuckle my ass off ;). When I first heard ‘I Love You’ in German (Ich Liebe Dich), it did indeed sound more like a military command than an expression of love…

When I finally stopped chuckling at the E-card (below)

She followed with this highly amusing ‘Shit Happens’ list…It defines the exact meaning of ‘Shit Happens’, from just about every religious and philosophical viewpoint known to man.

Dooooooo Enjoy! 🙂


AND ze ‘Shit Happens’ list can be found ere – http://www.fprintf.net/isms.html

Happy Saturday Peeps 🙂

A Bash at 10 Inspirational Quotes (from Moi)


The Inspiration page on WordPress is one of my favourite places to visit, and it’s never short on inspirational quotes. I feel there is something truly beautiful and priceless about nurturing another soul with a few wise words. So…I thought I’d give it a go, in the spirit of ‘paying forward’ what I’ve learnt so far.inspiration

Here are my 10 ‘Dawny Quotes’


1. If you are creative you are blessed! For there is no right or wrong in ‘Art’. No matter how awful you deem your poem, or the picture you paint… someone somewhere will think it’s fabulous.

2. Anger may well be the most complex and potentially dangerous emotion of the lot. Therefore, learn early, that when you lose your temper, you need to find your silence at the same time.

3. Faith in God is exactly the same thing as faith in love. There is not a soul on this earth who has lived a life untouched by love in some way or another. If you doubt God, just remember love until the doubt subsides. Read the rest of this entry

Short Number 44 – Location Location Location Trumps Again! :)


Being one of the folk termed mentally ill

Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only one, the odd one out, the one who’s stranger than most etc

HOWEVER, if nations all jumbled their citizens about the world, grouping people together based on mental classificationsmenatl

In one country – I’d be ultra normal :)! We could even re-name them and then…

I’d be a proud Citizen of Mentalist Land

With any luck, we’ll get one of the HOT countries

Life would be a blast 🙂menatl 1

(A shocking over type again – 81 words)

Short Number 42 – Purposefully Confused :)


The secret to true freedom lies in theories

If you’re confused, you can research a number of explanations for clarity

If you research enough differing theories, ‘reality’ officially becomes a complete mystery

And along comes the greatest cure to the greatest question


“I don’t know…Ask me one on sport!” 😉

(50 words)

What 5 things would you change if you ruled your country?


1st – I would add 2 hours to the day, giving everyone an extra hour in bed every morning; and an extra hour to relax at night

2nd – I would add an extra day to each week, giving everyone an extra day off a week to vegetate and recuperate

(I can’t be ass’d to do the maths, but a year would take a lot longer to pass by, and this would seriously reduce our life expectancy, pleasing those who can’t wait for the end of their lives, and inspiring those with a zest for life to get on it; with regards to ‘chasing their dreams’)

3rd – I would re-write the Genie in a bottle story, increasing the wishes to 5 instead of the traditional 3

(This means I now have 2 more wishes :))

4th – I would make the following statement a compulsory daily chant, for every one involved in the work of caring for others

“I don’t have to understand or relate to someone’s pain, in order to accept that they are in pain. Therefore, every person I come into contact with is automatically in pain, and a highly effective response to pain is KINDNESS. So I shall be kind to all, before and after I read their notes!” (NOT exactly rocket science, yet highly overlooked)

5th – When the electoral register forms were sent out each year, I would add a compulsory form headed

‘What 5 things would you change if you ruled the country?’

6th – (5 becomes 6 due to the age-old saying ‘plus one for luck’). I would collect a group of clever clever people to read everyone’s 5 things, and ask them to find ways to implement the people’s ideas, whilst still pleasing the greedy capitalist pigs who run the world!! They (the clever people) would present their policy documents to parliament, and the big boys would HAVE to pick ONE every year (by law)…

Happy Days 🙂

What would you do with your 5 (plus 1 for luck?)?

The Final Chauvinistic Frontier! ;)


Xed LeHead - Tattoo Artist

What is it about tattoo artists, that seems to make them all soooo bloody moody?

I have 3 tattoo’s and the ink from all 3 was injected by a miserable, awkward, temperamental, mildly spoilt and very un-smily bloke!

They don’t like it when you dare to question their design…God Forbid! (It’s only a commitment on the same time scale of marriage and the ‘snip’, except worse, as no reversal operation that actually works properly is available)…And even though each artist has had no problem telling me that my design was aesthetically shite, they all really did not like to be second guessed on theirs.

Such double standards 😉 Read the rest of this entry

Seriously? People continue to AMAZE me! Who made up the rules?


I watched an episode of ‘Come Dine With Me’ this evening and it left me baffled!

People get the ‘UMP with other people for the most ridiculous reasons

John the ‘foody’ was rather opinionated, and there was a lady who spent much of her time giggling, neither of which were crimes last time I checked

But nooooooo, apparently their lack of social etiquette was nothing short of appalling!

What I found most shocking was the fact that they all disappeared upstairs to discuss the evening, and every single one of them (except honest John) slagged their competitors off to the core, and then went downstairs and slapped their smiles back on and began complimenting the hosts to their face Read the rest of this entry

Must consider the evil buggers, before the dramatic Do’s and Dont’s of the last last go!;(


In my worst nightmares the following was true…

I was the only person capable of loving anyone after my first love

Worse than that

I was the only person awake and alert and aware of love, let alone 100% love!

And if love is our creator, and I had the job of being IT for a year ;)…then I would write and speak little about this job in haste (whilst continuing to write reams of bilge for my own chuckle-dom and love of self). BUT back to the big job in hand, I’d say and give little, without first thinking about how a force of evil, may abuse the things I would consider gifts

I hold equal opportunity and freedom high up in my dreams for everyone, but in an ideal world, they only come when the stuff of my dreams is known, that being – all those living are fully aware of perfect love, even if it is something they have lost, or misplaced, or never found, or tried to bury

In finally loving myself as much as everyone else I’ve always loved, I have the motivation and the bravery to say who I am now, what I have been and what I will aim to be – always the best version of myself that I can be, for me. Read the rest of this entry

Message to Parliament and Old Cammy Boy!


If you decide you want to run away with all the money, and screw over an entire population of people, then I won’t point out this sentence, ‘cos you are obviously blind!

(Invisible sentence – You are only loaded and powerful because you’re a corrupt and out of touch elitist)

When did you last live on £70 a week for years, your blue tie was probably 2 grand alone

It should be an honour to be the Prime Minister, not a big old ego w**k ;0 Read the rest of this entry

I wont take up too much of your time, 20 minutes should be ample!!


Moon and Saturn / Maan en Saturnus

Issues for the Upcoming Meeting

Firstly, I would like clarification on the geographical boundaries that exist within the city centre of Moon Pig, being as you know I’m a moron when it comes to geography and spatial awareness. I know not where I live, so, I know not how to choose from any possible future opportunities, without your blessed and necessary guidance

Secondly, after discovering the amount of pure unadulterated love that I have coming my way, through the electro-waves, all the live long day and night. I would like to suggest a policy idea to address the issue. Read the rest of this entry

Short Number Twenty One – Two Paths!


Two paths, to go figure out what lies beneath

Dawny the detective has just 2 theories

a)      The world is being run by blue robot alien ghost evil men

b)      Love exists

I’m really really trying to believe in… Plan B

I am!

(41 words)

The cycle of love and hate


Some of us are born lucky enough to have the unending love of a mother

This love can provide a human with gargantuan strength, enough strength to just about cope with anything

Others are unlucky, and they received no love from their mother

And it is this lack of love, that creates hatred in the hearts of the un-loved

You’d think that after many years of suffering, many years of knowing what damage it does, living with no love, that they would accept love as an adult

That they might even crave love as an adult? Read the rest of this entry

Humanising the Robot – Part 1


He was just 4 years old when he decided to remove the buttons from his outsides

The panel on his front, was larger than all the other robots because he had travelled, a rarity in ‘bot-land’

But he was also very rare (even without the travel)

He was bogged down, feeling too much compassion, love, anger, disdain, fear, yearning…and a need for control and power

When he was left to his own devices, these emotions weren’t a problem. Like all other robots he was emotional, whilst being totally emotionally detached Read the rest of this entry

My nephew is a ‘God Damn Genius!’ ;)


In the midst of a conversation between me and lil’ Trissus, about the highs and lows of life

The Boy appeared, (identity protection) strolled in tut lounge, and said

“I know a good title for a book”

“How to manage your emotions by Christina Yang”

Lmao 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 If you’re still in the dark, Doooooo watch ze clip. It will bring a chuckle to your day 🙂

Inaction exists cos people bug the living shite out of us, all the live long day!


IMG_1491These last few weeks, when I’ve been bobbing through tut city centre, I’ve noticed a new kinda person wanting our time

On top of the 64 charity workers that plague our conscience by asking us to spare a minute (how tight do we feel when we refuse to give them a teeny tiny minute)

It’s not cos we all don’t have a we minute to spare, its ‘cos everyone wants a minute Read the rest of this entry

Perhaps a new career is in order ;)


I reckon I could be fantastic as a…

‘Paranormal Paranoia Investigator of Strange Shit!’

Trouble is, I’d get to the end, and be slightly too paranoid about my judgement due to paranoia, to voice it!

Maybe not, now, not now I’ve uncovered the actual lengths I’d have to go to, in the decision making process

So perhaps a new career is needed, out side the realm of other-ness, after-all!