Tag Archives: advice

A Philosopher’s Psyche…


A philosopher is born, not educated

A philosopher searches because of the inner turmoil they feel from first breath to last

A philosopher’s natural state is often to rest in sadness

A philosopher teaches themself that everything is an illusionphilosopher

An honest philosopher will tell you ‘I don’t know’

A deluded philosopher will eventually implode, scattering infinite possibilities into the universe

A wise philosopher changes academic direction

A foolish philosopher drowns in their own open-mindedness, where the waves hold the infinite possibilities

A philosopher confirms nothing and questions everything

A philosopher was not destined for a life on earth

And takes an entire lifetime to find the warmth of home

Author – Unknown

My Vision for Improving Mental Health for Patients and Professionals Alike…


I would be extrememly grateful for any opinions you have on this dear readers, as I want to take this to my NHS trust in the hope some of the ideas and viewpoints are viable… the goal being to improve service to patients, and to give professionals more confidence and room to utilise their unique ways of caring, leading to a higher sense of satisfaction for all involved.

Its a bit messy and not the finished draft, but pre-tweek, i’d soooooooo appreciate your views if you have some time to read it. Danke Danke 🙂

The number’s for the numbered points have disappeared in the copy and paste transfer…as have all the references! I’m sure we all know why, anyhoo, the main bones are here!

Good Doctors are never forgotten. Good practice changes lives. Poor practice can destroy them. 

   Anxiety, Mental Illness & Ethics for Change


Guidance to Treat Anxiety alongside other Mental Health Issues – For Primary & Secondary Care Workers

1.       The True Scale of Anxiety in ‘Mentally Ill Patients’

2.       Anxiety Kills!

3.       A Safe Place is Vital…

4.       The Things We All Feel When Were Mentally Unwell

5.       Simplify and Believe. When Will The Culture of Distrust Dissolve?

6.       The Questionnaire

7.       6 Ways to Nurture Hope…

8.       6 Things We Will Do For You (Immediately)

9.       6 Weeks Alone – Mind The Gap

10.   6 Steps to Great Care – Back to Basics…

11.  No More Double Standards – Say Goodbye To Stigma

 Guidance to Treat Anxiety alongside other Mental Health Issues – For Secondary Care Worker Read the rest of this entry

How to Change The World Forever! Press Print from The Armchair! :)


The Day ‘Newling’ Changed The World – Dum Dum Duuuummmmmmmmm!

(click here to visit ‘the future’)money new 2

BRISTOL are the latest forward thinkers on ‘Printing their own currency’ (see link below) – With a little SIMPLIFICATION, One currency could be rolled out worldwide with relative ease

Please bear in mind that if you take away stock markets (which are just game playing with numbers on a large-scale) and also, erase the (IDEA) man-made invention called ‘THE ECONOMY’ – Money is worth the cost of the paper and the ink. TOTAL! The whole world trade system and the linking of currencies – are otherwise known as the 2 methods used to maintain the current (corrupted) way of doing things…FOREVER!

SIMPLIFIED Solution – Design and Print Money at home (The rich make up about 2% of the population). The other 98% are normal people, and most normal people live on or below the bread line. For success, the new money ‘goes live’ when most of the 98% know about it. It needs nationwide (and hopefully worldwide) uptake…making it clear to the rich and powerful, that they are seriously outnumbered (as the rich will resist, but only for so long)money newling

98% of the world population are broke! And 98% have the power to change their lives for the better FOREVER!

‘WAGES in Newling’ – I’m happy to set the bank/building society up, and if employers refuse to pay wages in ‘Newling’, I’ll print you off all the ‘Newling’ you need, until the 2% come round to the idea that they can’t win this one. Then Tesco will be giving you your change in ‘Newlings’ 🙂 Read the rest of this entry

I Want To Be A Tree!


From seed to enlightment, I hope we’ll all be trees

English: tree                            A lifetimes worth of avenues, littered with coloured leaves

All that we do, make our rings

               All that we learn ring the rings, we get wider, sturdier

as our essence find solid Read the rest of this entry

The 333’s of 2013 – Borderlines, Love, Help of Hope, Therapy for a Life :)


The 7th story in my little writing challenge for 2013. Each line must begin with a word that starts with the same letter as the last word on the line before it. 3 words in a line, 33 lines in ze story…

WHY? Cos I LOVE the number 3 🙂


It’s been yearsseven 1

Years? How many?

Millions, or seven

So I re-touched

Reading your sheets

So much advice

All so relevant

Rivers away then

Theory, fantasy, wishfulseven 2

We did it!!!

I’m confused..What?

We fixed some

Simply by trying

Test me please!

Paul said NO Read the rest of this entry

Short Number 48 – The Why of Opposites


Because without fear, we can’t know courageopps

Because without sadness, we can’t know happy

Because without change, we can’t know growth

Because without risk, we can’t know reward

Because without illness, we can’t know health

Because without doubt, we can’t know faithopps 2

Because without lessons, we can’t know freedom

Because we’re human

Because to know we need to stand on that ledge

Until we gain knowledgeopps 1

(66 words)

A Bash at 10 Inspirational Quotes (from Moi)


The Inspiration page on WordPress is one of my favourite places to visit, and it’s never short on inspirational quotes. I feel there is something truly beautiful and priceless about nurturing another soul with a few wise words. So…I thought I’d give it a go, in the spirit of ‘paying forward’ what I’ve learnt so far.inspiration

Here are my 10 ‘Dawny Quotes’


1. If you are creative you are blessed! For there is no right or wrong in ‘Art’. No matter how awful you deem your poem, or the picture you paint… someone somewhere will think it’s fabulous.

2. Anger may well be the most complex and potentially dangerous emotion of the lot. Therefore, learn early, that when you lose your temper, you need to find your silence at the same time.

3. Faith in God is exactly the same thing as faith in love. There is not a soul on this earth who has lived a life untouched by love in some way or another. If you doubt God, just remember love until the doubt subsides. Read the rest of this entry

See Them, Thank Them, Forgive Them…


As adults, we realise that our parents are not perfecttopo late

We realise that they make mistakes

We realise they are human

We realise that they did their best, whatever that was when we were growing up

When they were still growing up

Tell them they are forgiven

Thank them for doing their best

Thank them for the million sacrifices they made to give you life

I hope that no-body lives the reality of this song. One day it will be too late to tell them, ‘cos they’ll be gone

A song to a father, from his broken hearted daughter

To my Mum and Dad – I love you more than life itself…and what I realise most of all, is that I am blessed to belong to you. Thank-you for giving me life Xxx

Seriously? Morally Skewwiff-ness Is Outa Control!


I woke up this morning scared and sad…

I don’t keep up with current events, I don’t watch the news and I don’t read the papers. This got me thinking about the stories they print.

My reasons for not indulging are as follows…

I don’t need to read the papers anymore because every day the news is repeated. I no longer have to tune in to know that somewhere there is a war happening, that is destroying thousands of lives everyday

Someone will be running a story on human rights and I don’t have to know the journalist, to know that they will be mocking the importance of these misunderstood rights; assigning them as the root to our social problems, and undoubtedly including a link to prisoners being fed! God forbid!

At least one story about racial tension and immigration will feature, and some bull shit statistic will cause yet more tension on someones doorstep Read the rest of this entry

Social Status, Success and Happiness – Love like a Lioness


When I was little, my Mum told me over and over that all she ever wanted me to be – was happy

I went through a phase of wishing that instead, she had told me she wanted me to chase my dreams.

Then I learnt some lessons, gained some knowledge, and experienced an awakening inside me…of ‘God’ and of ‘Spirituality’. It produced a feeling so far past perfection, there are no words to describe it, no words to do justice to the moment, no route out of it, or away from it. I sobbed tears of pure joy…This moment alone, made me what I am, and made my life somehow, already complete

If I go back a bit in time; I spent some years in the rat race, until illness took me out of it; and before I felt that feeling, I was struggling to keep up with the rest of the world, failing miserably and marching towards finishing my degree and getting a ‘good job’. Thinking I’d be happy if I could just get those 2 things ‘sorted’.

But; back to that feeling…It was love, unity, peace and maybe just maybe, it was a brief moment spent in the spandangly wonder that is the ‘One-ness’. For that moment, the upper level of the experience was perfection in its purest form…and the under current was a safe and warm message that ‘everything is OK’ Read the rest of this entry

Kicking Social Anxiety in Ze Butt! Yay!


I have a rather bulging treasure chest of mental illnesses and as expected, anxiety plays a large part in my life and my symptoms. Over the years I have gone from the status of

‘Social Butterfly’ to ‘Helma the Hermit’

Anyhoo, I was trawling the net to try to find some help for the swine that is anxiety; and I found this AMAZING site.


It is quite simply – A bubbling cauldron of spandangly insight, wisdom and tools! The guy who runs/owns the site has written a book on anxiety, but there is so much info on his page, I didn’t feel the need to purchase the book.

Instead, I used one of my many many unused and shiny notebooks (it’s a crushing fetish/addiction; since they started pimping them with flowers and butterflies (DAMN YOU CHINA with your tempting plethora of delightful goods ;)). ANYHOO – Back to the point, I now own a utilised notebook named

My Little Book of Anxiety

I wrote down key points from each page, and I’ve been reading it everyday since Read the rest of this entry

Short Number 36 – When you should definitely ‘Sleep On It’


When you decide to…


Challenge a ‘black belt’ to a public scrap

Start a riot

Get divorced

Get pregnant

Vote Conservative

Try to fly using your bingo wings

Quit your job

Rob a bank


Tell your boss you’re in love with them

Befriend a politician

Streak through your neighbourhood

Join the Mafia

(52 words)

Slowly Does it…all you fellow ‘Crazies!’


I have never understood how people manage to soak in the bath for a whole hour, without slamming their head on the taps (or something similar), to overcome the sheer unadulterated mind bending boredom of lying still like a corpse underwater!

My baths take approx 8 to 12 minutes, depending on whether or not my leg hair is at a ‘tongable length’, and needs removing

I’m always watching people who seem to be chilled and relaxed most of the time, in the hope I’ll spot a trick to steal, and become less highly strung by copying it. My Mum’s hubby is a prime example of this kinda person, and he’s a very busy guy.

The difference seems to be about speed

He moves at the pace of a slug, no matter what the job, he only knows how to poodle on down Read the rest of this entry

Top Ten Tips for Fighting Psychosis


Mental Health Month Poster

Mental Health Month Poster

Recently I went through a truly hellish episode of psychosis that lasted 8 months (and in some ways 3 years). Delusions were forming and growing, on and off, for those years; but the 8 month period when it peaked was truly the most horrific, debilitating, life stealing, petrifying, confusing, lonely, hideous, exhausting, depressing, soul shattering suicidal experience of my life. I could write for 10 hours and be unable to offer even an outline of the description of my delusions…

As per usual, the mental health team were about as useful as a chocolate fire guard, I sincerely have no idea what these people do all day; but tending to the mental health of their patients seems to be an alien concept to them. 7 years on from my diagnosis and I still struggle to get any positive suggestion from them. Bloody morons! After several admissions to hospital I was forced to re-engage with them (I’ve discharged myself from their care (clears throat) umpteenth times, as they do fuck all except stress me out). So; I asked time and time again for some skills to deal with my reality, some practical advice, some help, some words of encouragement… something, anything, just one little tool. In the end, they decided a leaflet on volunteering and a referral to the therapy group I’ve already been to, would suffice. Again, bloody morons. The group is great for a drop of depression or intolerance, but neeeee way does it even touch upon the unique experience of a psychotic break… so I thought I would share my tips, on how I began to escape the 24 pit stop from hell… Read the rest of this entry

Excuse Invalid…Coupon expired some time ago!


Ok…I’m throwing out a bit of a generalisation here, and I mean not to offend, but I can’t help but think that some people are using their childhood baggage as an excuse to be an adult asshole, when the reasons they state for their dysfunction, no longer wash!


I say this with a fair amount of my own ‘suitcases of crap’; that I and life have filled along my travels. I didn’t grow up in the London version of the ‘Waltons’ mountain top dream home/family, as I’m sure most people didn’t

They say ‘kids bounce back quickly’, and now I’m an adult I would have to say that this is only partly true. When we turn 18, or 21 or 30 or 60, we don’t have some magical erase button that wipes the slate clean…We are all grubby little slabs, affected by events of old days

However, bar the severely autistic, as adults we know at least some of the social rules that guide us through life. We know right from wrong, and most of us know what we are doing/being, when we behave like spoilt children Read the rest of this entry

God and ‘Boots the Chemist’ are making me a better person! Together :)


I went insane recently on a level previously unseen by most of mankind, many 3000 word posts can be found in my archives that reflect my utterly doo-la-lee state of mind, should you be interested.

During this period, in an attempt to regain my sanity… I read several books, one of which was called ‘Conversations with God’ and there was a sentence in there which made me realise that it’s never too late to change, little by little, if you want to

I can’t remember his exact words but the basic gist was this…

‘Decide to do better, and get on with it’

I loved it! It may seem an obvious route to being a more evolved person, but there was something about the words that highlighted the simplicity of changing your ways…

Then I remembered a phrase from a Boots campaign – ‘Change one thing at a time’

Then I looked outside at my ‘Vote Green Party’ poster, proudly blue tacked to my wall, and I decided my thing to change that day was to stop using 50 carrier bags every time I go shopping. Read the rest of this entry

Therapy at it’s BEST!


My mum has a friend, a really great friend in fact. She is very empathic by nature and on top of this she has reams of qualifications in the field of ‘feel good-ness’. She is a very experienced councillor, therapist and hypnotist to name just a few of her skills

She has this fabulous method for dealing with troubles…it works like this

You tell her what your problem is and she asks 4 sub questions; You have to answer with 3 no’s and 1 yes in order to qualify

The questions are as follows :-

Read the rest of this entry

More mildly insane pondering! With a wish or two thrown in…Why? Why not?!


Cat and Dog Cupcakes

Cat and Dog Cupcakes

The open-minded and the crazy, get it from all directions

Few dare to know the extent of their wisdom, only the fearless dare and that takes time

Few can be held to account for terrorising these people, and more than a few know it’s happening

Illness is one mighty huge get out of jail free card, for a plethora of morally superior folk whom I chuckle at for even believing on one tiny level that they are deluded enough to take a higher ground position, as they lead a war for nowt’ more than kicks and cash!

The trick is to know that those who think they know it all, are those that either fail to see the truly unexplainable

Or believe they are responsible for the unexplainable, even if the ‘how’ evades them at present Read the rest of this entry

The Funny Revolution where no-one gets hurt! Just the stuff of dreams


Week 1- The England version




They all went to the local supermarket and bought EVERYTHING they would need to get them through the following 2 weeks, so they didn’t have to spend a penny anywhere at all for 2 weeks minimum, after the cheese, petrol, milk, bread, jam and Fosters were sorted, they followed step 2

Step 2 – They visited every charity shop in town, selecting the most vile items of clothing EVER, ensuring that the sum total of their items for their entire outfit could not look any worse if they tried when put together,
Tis funny dressing like a twat and you will derive great joy just looking at the hideous bits of clothing we actually liked once upon a time


Step 3, they went onto YouTube and learnt the most epically hilarious dance routine or 3, it was all very chuckle some and empowering and at worst, a rather great build up to a good weeks holiday from work

Step 4- at the speed of light they sent the message (the secret one that detailed the end results of the game), freedom, equality and a baseline amount of money that eradicates poverty and the worries that come with it, they sent it to every street in their community (the whole nation) Read the rest of this entry

Short Number blurb! – Be Bloody Careful Folks!


The news flash did one of them …

‘Interrupt this program for some epic news’

“Reporting Live from Naaaarwich – Giant marshmallows are very dangerous; highly toxic infact… be sure to wear a mask everywhere you go”

We wouldn’t want you catching the bug and getting all warm and fluffy now, would we?!

Head for the BUNKERS – Save yourself!

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