Category Archives: Amy Winehouse

Gone Too Soon! 3 Legends in 3 Years


Whitney – How could anybody not be transfixed by such talent and beauty. Truly a face and a voice you could get lost in forever. A pitch perfect picture perfect princess! Whitney dragged me through childhood and adolescence and out to the other side.

Michael Jackson – Another deep musical love of mine that developed in my teens. And this performance, in my opinion, is MJ at his best. The expression on his face when he is singing the last-minute; captures his magic, his talent and his passion in its entirety. It often brings me to tears; and it moves me to my very core… Read the rest of this entry

Amy Winehouse drunk in ‘St Lucia’ – An alternative take


Singer Amy Winehouse

Another highly controversial Amy clip – The St Lucia Jazz Festival

‘Amy and her solid gold dance moves’

Of all the people who wishes she hadn’t drunk so much, I’ve gotta be up there with the top ten percent, surely?

I even understand the Elvis loving fruit bats of the world now, due to my Amy adoration levels. My loyalty forces me to state – I am not mocking Amy here, or making light of her drinking. I am celebrating her for what she was…bloody hilarious on and off stage. Sober, pissed or high as a kite.

And I feel no shame at all, saying she used to have me in stitches, in all her varying states…

Except Serbia

What sickens me is the number of people who have uploaded and watched her final gig there. She was so scared you can see her actually cuddling herself, and physically reaching out with her tiny little arms, for hugs from her band…hugs from her friends.

It is clear to me that she was seriously mentally unwell, and not just intoxicated. But; in true media fashion, they didn’t bother promoting the clip of her 5 minutes before…when she wasn’t showing any signs of being drunk (just falling apart mentally!) Before the drink hit her system that night, she was terrified and it leaks out of her in that clip…once was too much for me.

And now she’s dead.

And all the funny clips of her a little worse for wear, are a lot further down the list on YouTube, because dozens and dozens of people have uploaded (and are still watching) that abomination!

Anyway, enough ranting 😉

Back to – ‘Amy and Dawny’s fluffy stuff collection’ Read the rest of this entry

‘Amy and The Mice’ – An Alternative Take


English: Baby mice about a day old

Of all the Amy Winehouse footage to cause a wave of disapproval, this video sits up there with best of them

In order to see the beauty that I see in this scene, you must first remove the judgements you already have about Crack and its use (although it is worth noting that Crack is probably the most likely drug to cause aggression). If you can’t remove your judgements; try swopping the word crack for wine (which also causes aggressive outbursts)

And re-classify her status more loosely; as a little bit ‘worse for wear’ (legally of course)

Then check out the video Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty on drugs – YouTube.

Or read the manuscript below, complete with stage cues and action descriptions

What I see is : – heart, endless wit, depth of passion, fun, boundless amounts of life, imagination, creativity, laughter, beauty, friendship, a unique and highly sweet soul, the interaction of two friends, love, vulnerability, fascination, curiosity, loyalty, care and protection…This is what I see, black fingers or no black fingers. Can you?

(Amy is in green, Pete in orange, Both together in red)

Amy collects a box of baby mice from the back of the room Read the rest of this entry

Every-time…I have to leave You


Every-time I say goodbye to You, every-time I’m forced to leave You, I hide something for You in Our bedroom; but still, after all this time; I dont know if You ever find it while I’m away.

And before I know it, I’m back in Your arms… and we hardly ever talk about my secret invisible gifts. I like that about You. I like that about Me. I like that about Us.

Amy Winehouse – All My Lovin’ – YouTube.

When I leave, this is always my parting gift to you...Until we meet again

To You

From Me

‘Happy 1st Birthday’ … Pretty Page of Bilge/Wisdom/Joy/Confusion &/or Inspiration


I can’t quite believe how many spillages I’ve leaked already (Or perhaps I can)… My blog is a year old today! I promised my pretty page I’d so something to honour the occasion, and decided I’d pick a post from each month. It didn’t quite pan out like that; for many a reason.

Anyway, I ended up picking 13 posts; and in the random blog spirit, they encompass a selection of varied bilge. Each post has a little summary of why it made the ‘Grand 1st Anniversary’ line up. I hope you enjoy the re-cap, and I really hope you come back for a whole ‘nother year.

One last thing before I begin the un-veiling, I’d just like to say an enormous and humble ‘Thank-You’ to all my treasured visitors, new and old. You warm my cockles, ohhh you dooooo, that, you do…

I want to be a Tree

Tree Silhouettes

I chose this one because although I am a pooey and retired poet; I thought perhaps I should slam 1 in, for variety and nostalgia ;). This poem is what I imagine life to be like in a perfect avenue, full of lovely, wise, tree people. I don’t even necessarily want everyone to be a tree, just those people in the world who are most crappy; those people probably need to be trees more than anyone. But they won’t be trees.

Yet, other’s will.

Such is life.

Pretty please don’t take away my ‘Yellow Knees of Liberty’

Hardly a literary prize winner. However, this post represents one of the most surreal nights of my life. I gained 6 points on my licence. I drove for 8 hours trying to reach the foooooooking 02 car park, so I could get on the tube from there, and continue the journey.

I thought I was gonna keel over, slumped onto the steering wheel, the stress was that immense!

English: Daewoo Matiz.

It was an important journey because reaching the destination was also, the only way to accertain just how loopy I was at the time. I lost 2 hub caps; peeeeeed in several inappropriate places in Central London; and at 5am I got out of the car to the 3rd copper ‘pulling me over’.

(Well; the 1st one didn’t pull me over; he wandered across to the driver’s side, after I nearly wiped him out of existence, kerb side! The curve crept up on me and I accidently half mounted the path at around 30mph; and I lost hub cap 1, right there)

Sorry, back to the 3rd copper

The buckle had indeed fell off of my belt; and, as I stood up to meet my maker from the Metropolitian Police Force, my jeans began to fall down!. He evicted me from London pronto; and issued a harsh warning about my narrow escape from a LIST of criminal charges. He ended the scene by asking me if I had a map? So I passed him the highly creased and stressed Atlas of Great Britain, circa 1988. He said ‘I don’t wnat it, I was asking if YOU had a map, for YOU”

If I went past the sign for Bow ONCE, which I can assure you I DID, I must of passed it 68 times! And my yellow/gold knees (aka Blanche), ended up stealing my liberty later anyway; by robbing me of £2000 in a year; fixing the beautiful little beast!

Beware the Daewoo Matiz…cute but costly, and akin to a pushchair; in terms of quality, build and road safety standards…

Thank You, Happy Birthday

When you

I do believe I was…’Einstein like’ with my wisdom in this ‘ere post.

You wanted! – Census of The Mind 2011

I chose this because I was born with anti-establishment DNA, and LORDY lord; I think my rant about the :-

“nosey, cheeky, exploitative, nosey, thieving, nosey, double standards, nosey, little pooey, “WHOOOOO do they think they are? Power crazy swindlers”

lasted 23.5 minutes. Passions fire…

Also, I had great dreams for this post

I imagined reams of snippets of people’s minds, flooding in like billio…reality then hit; and although the comments were somewhat thinner on the ground; they weren’t remotely thin in quality. This is my blogs version of a very cool time capsule of the mind. And the mind is my favourite thing; except for maybe kisses and laughing!

Life is A Stage and we are the Actors, Go learn your lines ‘Chameleon’s’

When I started blogging, I had a dream 😉 My blog had a dream and Deena fulfilled it, for details please see her comment below the post.

Thank-you again…

Pelican 0 14 02.1350 3

As well as being the stuff of dreams for my pretty page and me toooo…

When I learnt this information from Goffman; it literally changed my life instantly! I was compelled to share the love…I think my jaw stayed on the floor for a week; and I spent 7 of the quietest days of my life; watching everyone; me dumbfounded; muttering

“Fuck me Goffman, you have just explained life in its entirety to me, and sent me out into the world with new eyes; they are seeing far more, than they did before.”

“Where are you? I’m not sure what to do with all this right information right now but…”

(Ohhhh let me/us ALL experiment…in ‘Deviating from the Script’)

Trust ‘The Goff’, the elite are always as uncomfortable with my altered script; as the nation was when Nick Griffin appeared on ‘Question Time’! Dum Dum Duuuuuuuum! And THEN, he said people of all skin colours were welcome in his vision for the nation!


Here’s a flicked V for you; from my naughty rude page; not me; my page

Don’t put me on the ‘possible up riser’ list please

Oh it’s OK Nick, it was a peace sign! Sorry, it’s dark in here

Mothers, the Invisible Vilified Heroes of Humanity

English: Breastfeeding the baby.

Literally, I still cannot imagine anything more testing, difficult, thank-less, tiring, scary, selfless and ‘freedom quashing’ than motherhood. The older I get, the more I am in awe and amazement at the sacrifice women make every day, invisibaly bringing their kids up, right in front of our blind eyes.

I find it really sad that the care and love they give, is worth so little in our culture. I know not every-one is lucky enough to have an amazing mum, but my mum is the most fabulous gem on Gods Green Earth. She has given up everything for us; and my sister has done the same for her ‘Pops’.

I also chose this because my mum proudly sends it to everyone she knows (bless her), and she got all teary eyed when she read it. Which is nowt new as she is a bit of a weeper; but still, it was a special moment. And a rare opportunity to give her something back. Mothers Everywhere, I think you are just amazing.

Blood, Sweat (a little wee wee) and Tears of Laughter!

English: the beixo compact-7 folding bike in a...

It needs no further explanation past the title really; without doubt; one of the funniest experiences and viewings of my life. My entire massive family, know about Trent and her mind blowing accident on ‘The Hawk’. This never fails to make me laugh and I love reading it because; I just emptied the memory onto the page. Sometimes I re-live it here, I can absorb it’s moment without any effort from the re-call section of my brain

Lil Trissus, stay off the roads FOREVER pleeeeease

Revenge is a ‘reflex action’, This is why we are Screwed ‘til further notice

English: Carving Knife Photographer: (L. B. Eh...

This was a bit of a learning curve in the making. Like all posts it began with a random thought and as I began writing, I realised I’d been ‘bitch slapped’ by fate, in order to grow past revenge. I had more experience in the field, than first thought!

And if anyone reads this, and finds themselves in the kind of deluded space I lived in (I’m still deluded, just differently now), feeling hurt all the time, and miserable. I hope this post shows them that maybe, just maybe, the way they are seeing things is not the way things are actually happening

It’s a tricky old path and the trouble with revenge is; when you decide to take it upon yourself to even the score. You are choosing to inflict pain or suffering on someone else, and if you believe in Karma even slightly, you need to see what you’re creating; all that pain is coming back your way. So really, it’s an exhausting no-brainer on all levels; It was a long and winding road, with plenty of side stepping! I can’t recommend the journey enough really.

Lived, Loved and Lost

Love Letters (Julie London album)

Anyone around in the early days of ze blog; may have read all about our great ‘Love’. Both our ‘rise and fall’ (and middle come to think of it) were touched upon here countless times; from an outside view, maybe a tad excessively? But the posts were nothing in quantity; not compared to the abundance of everything I had… when love lived here for a wee while.

For the first time in my life, I lived, loved and lost like a proper grown up.

He was such a big part of my life in this 1st year of Random Spillages, I can;’t comfortably leave this love off of the list, and I didn’t fancy re-reading posts from our ‘rise’

So you’re getting an entry from ‘Morose Town’. An extract from our ‘fall’

You could always visit the love category on my page if you’re interested in our rising love. I’ve been so busy being rageous, I didn’t really notice I’d calmed down. A bit of reflection later and; if he was ever to read this; I’d want him to know that I thank him, for everything…

The Circle of life rolls round AGAIN

London Capsule

I like this post. It was a rare moment in my life when I felt proud of myself, and also, like I wanted to stand on my own throat for killing my Ukulele. But the philosophical little lamb within, loved this experience.

Because the subsequent ‘creating and destroying’ thought that followed, was a perfect match.

Also, I doooooo laugh at the picture of the foot (and as I am known for roaring at my own jokes sometimes)… I’ll admit I am tickled everytime I see

‘Not my foot, just a foot’.

I don’t know why it tickles me so greatly, but it does. Small minds and all that…

Ohhhhh Alby, Trust you to Nab the 100th Post position

English: Stella Artois sign

My amazing old step dad is cashing in on the fame list again. Ohhhhh Alby, first you steal my 100thy post position, and now you’re in my anniversary list on my blogs birthday!

Writing this was such a joy, and me and Trissus roared at all the memories for hours.

Now for the spooky bit!

The most memorable of his phrases, by far, was, “Can you see me, can you see me now?” And bugger me, as I was pressing the PUBLISH button on his post, an advert came on the TV for a film, and anyone who knows me will vouch for the fact that I am incapable of tuning into adverts. INCAPABLE! I see one a year, tops. But this loud (as they always are) trailer came on; and this guy stood in the middle of the screen and shouted right at me… ‘Can you see me?’

It freaked me right out

Oh and then there was a film on friday night, I think it was actually some sort of :- ‘Renegade the Movie’! Stop haunting me and nicking my baking trays you bugger! Love you

Cat Love, far more than one might think


A philosophical and humuorous lesson for us all in here I think,

And an ODE to my baby boys. I would be truly lost without Mr Shamone and Mr Rurch… and their Rhino styleeee head butts of devastation. They are still the ‘lights of my life’

English: Black and white cat with blue eyes

Forver Loved, Never Forgotten, Miss Amy Winehouse

English: Amy Winehouse at the Eurockéennes of 2007

Amy Amy Amy – Still the ‘Love of my Life’. I don’t feel that any poxy peeeeedly paragraph could ever do her justice, so I will pop the link here of some of her visual beauty… and shut up.

And there you have it, a few of the Random Spillages from this Reportedly Strange Mind. All of which are a little bit special, in my eyes anyway…

Dawny Xxx

Dear Funny Valentine…


The Question Is What Is the Question?

Why gone so soon?

I still can’t believe you’re gone

As yet, it hasn’t got any easier; everyone tells you you’ll get better in time. Time apparently heals

So far though, over time, I think the sadness ebbs inwards, a little more each day

Every time I hear someone say they knew it was coming, or that it was no shock. I feel just as shocked as I did when the news was brand new. I listen to you every day and the uplifting effect you have, has become something indescribable with loss as company

Grief is normally selfish; we cannot cope with the hole that’s left. But with you, I am shattered when it crosses my mind that you will never be a mum. Shattered at the thought that you won’t get to share your divine talent until your vocal chords died of old age.

How your family and friends will ever even begin to step across the valley that formed in front of them, the moment you passed, I will never know. They are fighting the good fight in your name, but their eyes are just shot,

Read the rest of this entry

Amy Winehouse Day with Dawny – Four Treasured and Astounding Recordings for yoooouuuu to listen toooo…


      I can feel an extreme ‘Amy day’ coming on, please have a listen to these 4 amazing trinkets of orgasmic   talent and accept my apologies for the dodgy looking links (they DO work) but I’m a techno moron and it took me like, 3 hours to get this far…

I’ll make up the deficit by finding another fabulous piccy of ze Angel  …

Please ENJOY!! You will feel re-spiced, guarantee of the lioness 😉

OK, I’m stopping with the Amy pic scouring now, obsession looms like a cloud of procrastination rocket fuel !

Amy Winehouse & Paul Weller – Don’t Go To Strangers (Hootenanny, 2006) [HQ Audio] – YouTube.

Amy Winehouse – All My Lovin’ – YouTube. – Found this yesterday, it’s just amazing!

Amy Winehouse- What It Is – YouTube. (To any-one who intimately knows of a dear John involving a sleeping party, this one is rather fitting to that fiasco and I’m so glad I stumbled across it yesterday, should ‘John’ come across this at anypoint, I wouldn’t wanna miss the opportunity to point this link out to him!) (Shhhh now Dawny, and well done!)

amy winehouse live on jools holland – YouTube.

An Odd Pictorial Illustration of a Random Mind Trail…”Good Stuff”


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Forever Loved, Never Forgotten…Miss Amy Winehouse…


For me, You will always be the greatest thing ever to grace this Earth…

The Wonderful, Unique and Fabulous Amy

Loved, Missed and Adored everyday…

Her music and the legacy of her unforgettable presence, will light the lives of every future generation




