Tag Archives: People

When Insanity, Faith, Welfare, Ignorance and Bullying Collide…We call it Society!!!


Insanity often brings with it, a deep and profound understanding of human nature and all its oddities…Unfortunately, the semi-sane sometimes lack the skills needed to understand other humans, but they try anyway

No-body is ever going to convince me that my friends and family are anything other than ‘fabulous and dedicated’…Paranoia came far later than their ‘wunderbar’ love.whats

I also think your friends and family are ‘fabulous and dedicated’ … Most people are

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A Philosopher’s Psyche…


A philosopher is born, not educated

A philosopher searches because of the inner turmoil they feel from first breath to last

A philosopher’s natural state is often to rest in sadness

A philosopher teaches themself that everything is an illusionphilosopher

An honest philosopher will tell you ‘I don’t know’

A deluded philosopher will eventually implode, scattering infinite possibilities into the universe

A wise philosopher changes academic direction

A foolish philosopher drowns in their own open-mindedness, where the waves hold the infinite possibilities

A philosopher confirms nothing and questions everything

A philosopher was not destined for a life on earth

And takes an entire lifetime to find the warmth of home

Author – Unknown

The 333’s of 2013 – Ohhhhh Billy! Did you actually BOOK this Tripe? Love Lola :)


The 6th story in my little writing challenge for 2013. Each line must begin with a word that starts with the same letter as the last word on the line before it. 3 words in a line, 33 lines in ze story…

WHY? Cos I LOVE the number 3


‘Carrot’s and Peas’

Pairs of people

Parched but watchingfolk 2

‘Wows’…echoed thanks

Theatre their love

‘Lola and Billy’

Boxed up high

He thought impressive

Inept thought Lola

Losing the plot Read the rest of this entry

After I was Broken, I Learnt About Before…


Before I judge, I try to really look

Before I see, I remember the manuscript was longer than the book

Before I decide, I ask myself what makes me an expert

Before I classify, I realise complexity makes a recipe for a convert

Before I write you off, I remember how painful life can be

Before I label, I know that no-one understands you like He

Before anything, I know there is context, circumstance, reason and feeling

Before lectures, I try wondering how you might be reeling

Before damnation, I ask myself why you could be lying

Before giving up on you, I realise when you’re lying, you’re not crying Read the rest of this entry

Bin The Labels…and Please Make Way For The Connections


If I ruled the world, I would begin by eradicating labels from society…ALL of them (almost)

There would be no – Black, White, British, Spanish, Old, Young, Liberal, Conservative, Sociopath, Bi Polar, Cancer, Farmer, Waitress, Unemployed, Married, Single, Disabled, labels 1Blind, Forgiving, Vengeful, Kind, Generous, Sweet, Cruel, Upper Class, Learning Difficulties, Healthy, Sick, Damaged, Fixed etc

When I studied sociology, I learnt about the importance of labels. I was taught that when a new label was introduced to mainstream language, it was a reflection of a ‘groups’ needs being recognised.labels

I was also taught that when a new label replaces an old one, such as the change from ‘Spastic‘ in the 80’s; to ‘A person with Learning Difficulties‘ in the 2000’s; the change is a reflection of a group trying to shed the stigma of being attached to a label that is mocked/ridiculed/mistreated/misunderstood/considered lesser

Sociology aside, life has taught me more about labels than any academic theory ever could. Read the rest of this entry

10 Random Things I Think


I think the world is far weirder than one person could ever even imagine, let alone grasp or fully understand/know

I think the biggest damn between people, is made entirely of presumption shaped bricks

I think I am a least partially tapped of mind, never to be untapped againi think

I think there are levels on the way to evolving as a species, and I believe we won’t get to the highest ones until we abandon money and the RIDICULOUS human invention known as – the economy

I think people are a lot kinder deep down than they think they are

My nan used to say, thought thought he’d shit himself, but when he looked he’d only farted 🙂 lol… nice one Grandma Bunn 🙂

I think the way we allow our old people to be treated is a disgrace, and we should be utterly and entirely ASHAMED

I think people are most lacking free time in the West, and free time is needed for reflective thought to be touched upon, and for growth and change to be considered, rather than reactive

I think I think too much for my own good

I think love has more power than any other force on this earth

33 lines of 3’s…Numero 2 – The Waterfall. Eden.


The second story in my little writing challenge for 2013. Each line must begin with a word that starts with the same letter as the last word on the line before it. 3 words in a line, 33 lines in zee story…

The waterfall mesmorisedwaterfall 1

Many a tourist

Tamzin was surprised

Such strong emotions

Evoked by beauty

Beyond anything previous

(Penzance on Ice)

Ignited her desire

Dancing. Staring. Swimming

Soaking it in

Ingers sat still Read the rest of this entry

What 5 things would you change if you ruled your country?


1st – I would add 2 hours to the day, giving everyone an extra hour in bed every morning; and an extra hour to relax at night

2nd – I would add an extra day to each week, giving everyone an extra day off a week to vegetate and recuperate

(I can’t be ass’d to do the maths, but a year would take a lot longer to pass by, and this would seriously reduce our life expectancy, pleasing those who can’t wait for the end of their lives, and inspiring those with a zest for life to get on it; with regards to ‘chasing their dreams’)

3rd – I would re-write the Genie in a bottle story, increasing the wishes to 5 instead of the traditional 3

(This means I now have 2 more wishes :))

4th – I would make the following statement a compulsory daily chant, for every one involved in the work of caring for others

“I don’t have to understand or relate to someone’s pain, in order to accept that they are in pain. Therefore, every person I come into contact with is automatically in pain, and a highly effective response to pain is KINDNESS. So I shall be kind to all, before and after I read their notes!” (NOT exactly rocket science, yet highly overlooked)

5th – When the electoral register forms were sent out each year, I would add a compulsory form headed

‘What 5 things would you change if you ruled the country?’

6th – (5 becomes 6 due to the age-old saying ‘plus one for luck’). I would collect a group of clever clever people to read everyone’s 5 things, and ask them to find ways to implement the people’s ideas, whilst still pleasing the greedy capitalist pigs who run the world!! They (the clever people) would present their policy documents to parliament, and the big boys would HAVE to pick ONE every year (by law)…

Happy Days 🙂

What would you do with your 5 (plus 1 for luck?)?

Short (ish) Number 38 – Bullied and Bored!


Evil Boy asked the Nice Girl what was up?

Nice Girl said “YOU”

Evil Boy smiled and asked Nice Girl if she could be more specific…

Nice Girl said – “You used to scare me, then you terrified me, then I pitied you, then I pitied me, and now you just PISS ME OFF! Go find someone else to bully you tragic little low life, I’m bored!”

Evil didn’t hear anything past ‘you scare me’, ‘cos he was lost in his reflection AGAIN, narcissistic prick!

(81 words)

Understanding a Hoarders Pain – Sympathy to Empathy


I recently watched a documentary on some of ‘Britain’s Biggest Hoarders’

Being someone who is ENORMOUSLY affected by my environment, my heart immediately went out to these people, and the horrendous conditions they live in. Most of them have a space that is just wide enough to house them in an office chair, and their belongings are literally stacked wall to wall and floor to ceiling. Most had rat infestations and dead insects carpeting the floors

As the program unfolded, I was really trying to understand their problem, and the reasons why their possessions drove them to live in such a shocking environment. As the ‘helpers’ came to sort out the ‘gold from the shite’… I could see the anxiety leaking from every pore of each hoarder, their distress was palpable. Read the rest of this entry

A Big Old Phat Thank-You is in Order! :)


After scouring Word-Press for the last gazillion hours, I stumbled upon some amazing insights into self-esteem and how to achieve it the wise way; as well as many tips and ways to cope with life’s adversity, in positive ways

As a student of society, I still remain baffled by so much regarding the science of people’s minds. For every process that I understand on a deeper level, I am met with another that I had no idea existed. Life, and everything in it, is complex, and only partially understood. Living life and ‘getting through it’ requires constant analysis; and the perspectives and knowledge of just one other person, can reveal bucket loads about how different people think, and explanations of how they come to the conclusions they reach.

All of our experiences, merge together from the year dot. And as new one’s are added to our personal pots, our perspectives often change as life is seen through different lenses

I learnt a lot last night about self-awareness, growth, difference, weakness, vulnerability, honesty, social norms, culture, illness and lastly, but most importantly, I learnt a great deal more about the power of the mind Read the rest of this entry

Dear Church, I’ve sent you a little letter this week…Love God!


Whilst browsing WordPress today, I came across this great entry…

Courtesy of – muchmorethannear.wordpress.com

One part in particular (shown below in pink) caught my eye, so I’ve decided to join the gang of authors, with my own version of –

‘Gods latest letter to the church’

“I wonder what God might write in a letter to our church today? I recently asked our leadership team to prayerfully write such a letter and to pass them on to me without talking about their content with each other. My hope is that although they will inevitably reflect their human authors, their personalities and interests, that as I read them alongside each clear patterns might emerge as the Spirit speaks. I am a firm believer that all believers have access to God through the Spirit, and so I extend this challenge to you too.”

Click here to read the full article –


If you decide to do the same, pretty please direct me to your own letter’s, as I’d love to read them.

OK…Here goes my little love note

Dear sweet children of mine,

I am writing you this letter for many reasons, but I’ll start with my main point, which is of course…To tell you how much I love you

The title and shape of the church you stand in, makes no difference to our friendship. A church can be any place at all if you just call it a church. A field, a kitchen, a cathedral or a mosque. If you truly trust in me and my copious amounts of love, you will hopefully understand this point. Read the rest of this entry

In my ‘Solitude’ – Comes the search for a different type of company


I call these days my lonely days, but I spend them reading all about the lives of others

I call these days my moments of solitude, but I search for your words about solitude, to enrich the experience of feeling it, of having it

I call them my ‘old school’ days, but the day is not complete without a DVD running in the back round for company, and a keyboard for talking

I call them my alone time days, but if the cats are not curled up near to the computer screen, I try my best to round them up onto the bed with me

I call them my me days, but I spend them searching for other ‘you’s, to take a peek inside your hearts and minds

I call them my me days, but when I switch the phone off, I worry that someone will need me for something

I call them my me days, but I love to see those little orange stars…a sign that tells me someone has noticed me, sometimes ‘my words’ are just another way of saying… ‘me’ Read the rest of this entry

Which One(s) Are You?


Due to recent life events, I have been forced to stretch my wisdom genes and my philosophical viewpoints further than ever before…and in this process I have come to believe that every person is

A Master, A Teacher, A Preacher and/or a Healer

In life there are so many individual occurrences, that entwine to make our lives what they are. Meaning and understanding have to be taught, we need to learn about them, and to heal from the pain filled ones, in order to function in any society Read the rest of this entry

Inexperienced Experts Piss Me Off!


There is nothing more irritating in life than the people who claim to be experts on an issue that they have no experience of

A bit like people who write entire books on parenting when they’ve never actually cared for a child for more than a day…They tend to take a ‘preachy’ view on issues, and feel they are superior for knowing what really makes a good parent, when in reality, they’d fold up and over if they were left alone with 3 kids for more than an hour

I’ve met a few people who ‘preach’ about true love, when they’ve never really cared for a partner properly, let alone loved them

Unconditional love is without doubt a beautiful process, the kinda love we have for our siblings or our friends…Time, distance, change, rejection, location all interfere with this kinda love, but if it’s unconditional it never leaves, we forgive and still love because we have no control over taking it away

Being in love though, whether we like it or not… it is different. We start out in a blaze of glory and before long, we begin to behave like idiots because we’re often in a bit of an emotional pickle when we fall IN love

It’s not perfect, or god like, and it doesn’t feel the same when time, distance, change, rejection and location interfere with what once felt like perfection Read the rest of this entry

Seriously? People continue to AMAZE me! Who made up the rules?


I watched an episode of ‘Come Dine With Me’ this evening and it left me baffled!

People get the ‘UMP with other people for the most ridiculous reasons

John the ‘foody’ was rather opinionated, and there was a lady who spent much of her time giggling, neither of which were crimes last time I checked

But nooooooo, apparently their lack of social etiquette was nothing short of appalling!

What I found most shocking was the fact that they all disappeared upstairs to discuss the evening, and every single one of them (except honest John) slagged their competitors off to the core, and then went downstairs and slapped their smiles back on and began complimenting the hosts to their face Read the rest of this entry

When Obligation becomes Want-anation


Some time ago I was talking to an old friend about love and he suggested that loving and caring behaviours are nothing more than obligations… forced upon us by society

Others argue that women have been bitch slapped into unhealthy fairy tales by Walt Disney and the like. Proposing that most women have idealistic and unrealistic aims when it comes to finding and maintaining loving relationships

Well, I have just watched ‘Love Actually’ for the umpteenth time, and I noticed that every time I welled up with tears… I also got goosebumps!

I checked out the reason for this and found out that goosebumps are linked to the part of the brain that controls our emotional responses

If love is nothing more than an obligatory act, how come our entire bodies react to it in the same way every time love or its side effects are displayed? Either in person, or through movies and songs Read the rest of this entry

Forward Thinking Ay? Depends who you ask! Pollock or Bollox?


Evolution is a funny word, and an even stranger than funny occurrence

English: Photograph of abdomen of a pregnant woman

English: Photograph of abdomen of a pregnant woman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You might argue that as life has expanded to include creatures from other planets, and technology and magic have stepped up a notch or 84

It would only be those ‘not gaining anything’ from these things that would argue, things have gone too far, in the wrong direction, too quickly!

Except a few know that if we had access to just one other thing, we would all feel the magic of ourselves – self-esteem, judgy wudgy pants and co, and disrespect would disappear from reality, and then people, then everyone would really be having the time of their life!

When I think about miracles, I think about when I see a pregnant woman and notice that ‘She has got a whole ‘nother human in her belly’ !!!

Apparently this is not enough! Read the rest of this entry

Short Number blah – And the hits just keep on coming!


We made her simple, she came out more complex than ever before!

The prep you left went from scary to funny

Yesterday we pressed on her steady triggers – unsteady =’d steady

The last dichotomy that works in opposition to the rest

As fear becomes less, love becomes more…

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Xxx